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Annual Camp Workbee

Saturday May 27, 2023   9:00 – 4:30

We are looking forward to a great work day this year!  All hands are welcome on deck.   We will have all kinds of work available for all kinds of talents. If you know you are coming, it would be great to let us know so we can be sure to have enough jobs, and enough food for everyone. Come join us as we work on the new bathroom building, weed gardens, chop wood, and more!

There is lots of deep cleaning and gardening to do, and piles of wood to cut, split and stack. We may also be finishing the fieldstone gatehouses and adjusting the front gate hardware.

Some useful things to bring would be a cordless drill, gardening tools and gloves, rakes, and window cleaning tools.  We have about 200 windows we could clean!

I hope to see you there!

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Mailing Address:
Ross Haven Bible Camp
Site 19, Comp. 3, R.R. 2
Gunn AB T0E 1A0

Physical Address:
800 Parkins Avenue N.
Ross Haven, AB 

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